Welcome to the International Transgender Day of Visibility
Hello, Susan here. I am writing this e news early in the morning, so will not be able to report on the overall success of the day, but it has started well with a good article on stuff http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/91014391/Long-road-to-raise-visibility-of-transgender-people-continues?cid=app-iPad Also, the local MP is coming and wonderful St Andrew’s people have said they will help with the serving. Thank you all. This has been a speedily arranged event, but we know already that Pink Shirt Day which aims to combat biphobia, homophobia and transphobia is in the middle of May. So if Tea on The Terrace works today we will be able to use it again.
We had a technical hitch during the week with the new website, but I see the old one is now not up, so maybe during today the new one will appear. Try www.standrews.org.nz and the correct centre website is www.standrewscentre.nz (note no ‘org’ in this second address). Again thanks to Anna Smith for her work into this project. Amazing.
It’s been sad to hear of the number of bereavements in the community – Rob Perry’s untimely death has been followed by the deaths – both sudden and expected of friends and an attempted death. Also people have friends and family in difficult situations with health and accommodation. We need to be gentle with each other. It has struck me, hearing these stories this week how when you deal with someone about an everyday matter, you can’t know what is going on in their lives behind the calm or smiling face.
Some good news…. We will be celebrating with Shirley Geering on Sunday turning 90 during the week. Happy Birthday Shirley! We will be privileged too to have two flute solos by Duane McKibben. We will also be demonstrating the new website at the community lunch.
This Sunday is the last Sunday before Palm Sunday – which is April 9. See you this Sunday or next, or both.
St Andrew’s Parish News…
LENT AND EASTER – DON’T BLINK AND MISS IT! Lent’s a good time for a new habit/practice – what’s yours? Lenten Gatherings (mostly led by Susan): April 9 Palm Sunday. April 13 Maundy Thursday 6pm “A Last Supper”. April 14 Good Friday 10am (Trish McBride & team) “Stations of the Cross”. April 16 Easter Sunday. Book in your diary now.
CHECK OUT THE NEW WEBSITES! The new church website went up this week – www.standrews.org.nz and the new Centre website is a slightly different address: www.standrewscentre.nz
NEWCOMERS AND INFORMATION EVENING Friday 7 April 2017 in Conference Rooms 1&2 from 7-8.30pm. This evening is for parish councillors, pastoral partners and most importantly for anyone who considers themselves to be a newcomer to St Andrew’s on The Terrace. During the evening you will receive information about belonging to St Andrew’s, have an opportunity to ask questions for clarification and a chance to meet each other. The evening will be followed on Sunday 7 May with a welcome for newcomers during the morning service. Any newcomers unable to attend on 7 April please let Susan know so that she can ensure you have information about belonging to St Andrew’s and can make your choices about how to connect with the community. Tea/coffee and delicious cakes served from 6.45pm onwards, so it would be helpful if you would RSVP to office@standrews.org.nz by Tuesday 4 April please. If you are unsure about your status as a newcomer, please come anyway, get informed and have some fun!
LIVING WAGE – WE ARE AN ACCREDITED LIVING WAGE CHURCH! This week St Andrew’s officially became an accredited Living Wage church – this means all our employees, including our cleaners, are paid at least the Living Wage. Our thanks to Paul Barber who has shepherded this change through.
GOOD FRIDAY STATIONS OF THE CROSS SERVICE Good Friday: at least 4 more people are needed for preparation of the Good Friday service. Each person prepares a very meditation and prayer relating to one Station. Guidance and support available! Trish McBride, Ph 478 6332 mcbride@paradise.net.nz
NAMING NEW ZEALAND “… an organisation to help transgender, gender diverse and intersex youth with updating their identity documents to correctly reflect their sex and gender. We provide resources about the process of correcting identity documents within New Zealand, connect trans youth with organisations that can help, and assist with the costs of making these important changes.” They take donations. Find them at www.naming.nz/
CHANGEMAKERS UPDATE Linda Wilkins received the following message from ChangeMakers; “Do you want to help former refugees get fully involved in life here in Aotearoa New Zealand? If so, join us for an information evening to find out more about volunteering opportunities with ChangeMakers Refugee Forum!” Wednesday 29 March, 5.30pm. ChangeMakers Refugee Forum, Level 1, 203-209 Willis Street (above the Family Store). They are particularly looking for volunteers to staff their drop in centres but other possibilities. If interested turn up 29 Mar or talk to Linda, Ph 04 970 1010 or g8m8z@orcon.net.nz
ST ANDREW’S TRUST FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGION AND SOCIETY Upcoming events – Thursday 6 April 12.30pm, lunchtime lecture at St Andrew’s on The Terrace. A group of younger people answering the question ‘what needs to happen to create a flourishing NZ?’ Speakers are Morgan Godfery, Laura O’Connell Rapira and Christina Curley.
CAN YOU GIVE SOME TIME TO DCM? Matthew Mawkes writes: “With limited resources, we need volunteers to help keep DCM clean, tidy and welcoming for the people who use our services. If anyone is interested, please contact me at DCM on office@dcm.org.nz Volunteers would need to be available when DCM shuts on a Wednesday, at 1pm. It is always a great place to be, whatever your contribution may be. Thank you.”
Wider Church and Community News…
MY KIDS VILLAGE PLEDGE ME CAMPAIGN “Thank you to those who have supported me in this, I reached the goal!” Gillian.
TOLERATION AND CONSENT ‘Toleration and Dissent: The Reformation and the Crisis of Authority’ Professor Amy Burnett (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) William Evans Fellow, University of Otago on Wednesday 5 April, 7pm at St John’s in the City, Presbyterian Church.
PEACE MOVEMENT AOTEAROA Forum: Progressing a global ban on nuclear weapons, 7 April 2017 A humanitarian disarmament forum with Dell Higgie, NZ Disarmament Ambassador, providing an update on the March session of the UN Conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading to their elimination. When: Friday, 7 April 2017, from 1pm to 2pm Where: St Andrew’s Conference Centre, 30 The Terrace, Wellington – BYO lunch, tea / coffee will be provided RSVP: your RSVP is essential because space is limited, please email iCAN Aotearoa New Zealand icanz@xtra.co.nz or RSVP at https://web.facebook.com/events/398799920503492
DIVINE TASTINGS Lois Robertson recommends an event; Divine Tastings on Saturday 8 April from 2pm-4pm at Waiwhetu Uniting Church, Cnr Trafalgar & Grenville Streets, Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt. A presentation of foods from Tonga, India, Denmark, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Scotland, West Indies at a fundraiser for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, NZ and ‘Stopping Gender Violence in Nicaragua. Adults $10 and children $5 (under 15) MUSIC
MUSIC FUTURES CONCERT Music Futures is excited to offer a concert on Sunday 9 April to be hosted by St Patrick’s College Kilbirnie, 581 Evan’s Bay Parade, starting at 3.15 pm, featuring senior music students from St Pat’s and members of the NZSO. Donald Armstrong (violin, NZSO), Belinda Veitch (viola, NZSO), Lucy Gijsbers (cello, graduate of NZ School of Music), Malcolm Struthers (double bass, NZSO) and Otis Prescott-Mason (piano – St Patrick’s College) will perform Schubert’s Trout Quintet (1st movement) Phillip Rose (NZSO) & Peter Barber (NZSO) will play Viola duo Number one by Karl Stamitz Roger Powdrell, Head of Music at St Pat’s College will introduce a programme featuring his senior students including solo guitar, trumpet and vocal pieces from Purcell to Vaughan Williams to contemporary music, as well as the Jazz Ensemble. Afternoon tea will be served following the concert. Entry is by koha.”