E News 19th January 2024 (written Thursday 18th January)

Talofa friends.  I’ve just returned from dinner with a dear friend. We were commemorating the 9th Anniversary since my husband Rewi Davis passed away today.  We chose La Bella Italian Restaurant in Petone. Very nice, highly recommend it if you are looking for somewhere nice to have a meal, they have been in Petone for over 20 years. They do breakfast, lunch and dinners and gelato ice cream. Be sure to book online before you go as it is very popular.

This afternoon I was privileged to visit Molly and Sarah at their home in the light of Lloyd’s passing yesterday.  They are understandably exhausted and grieving so needing to be gentle on themselves after a life changing fortnight that no one saw coming.  A  private tree planting memorial will be held sometime in May when Sarah is able to return to Wellington to help Molly organise this memorial.

As a request from Molly and Sarah I’m just putting out feelers in our church if we have anyone or know of anyone who is a coin collector, and also someone who is into vinyl records. Lloyd also has close to a thousand books to share. If you know of any second hand book stores who are able to come and pick up the books from Molly’s garage she would be most appreciative. Please let me or Christine in the office know if you are aware of any organisations who may have an interest in any of these items?

I also visited Susan Cook this afternoon at Kenepuru hospital she is doing OK and sends her greetings to SAOTT.

On Tuesday I gave a lecture as part of the Otago University Wanaga on Ministry in Pacific Island churches particularly the PCANZ. This was hosted by Te Kakano o te Aroha at Moera in the Lower Hutt. It was Rev Dr Wayne Te Kaawa’s swan song before he takes on a new post in Tamaki Makaurau next month. We wish him and his family all the best as they begin this new chapter in their lives.

You would have read that my church email was hacked asking all my email contacts to purchase $300 worth of Apple vouchers for me and that I was busy and unable to ring everyone. Thank goodness we nipped it in the bud early, hopefully in time for people to realise that I was being scammed. Sorry if you were inconvenienced.

This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Epiphany and our lectionary readings cover the story of Jonah in the Hebrew Bible and from Mark’s gospel is the story of Jesus calling the first disciples Simon and Peter and James and John. The theme for my reflection is “Stop what you are doing!” Let’s see how this will pan out on Sunday. Last Sunday I had an epiphany at 4am and tweaked my reflection, I was unable to get back to sleep after that so decided to have an early breakfast and start my day early. And yes I was knackered at the end of the day. It’s ok to have these early morning epiphanies but not too often.

Adelina our Centre manager and I went to watch “One Life” at the Petone Lighthouse Theatre on Monday evening. I highly recommend it. In a nutshell it is the true story of how one man Nicholas Winton (played by Anthony Hopkins) and his team saved over 6,000 Czechoslovakian Jewish children from the Nazi Concentration Camps on the eve of World War II.

Next week I will be attending a UCANZ Standing Committee meeting in Auckland on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is being held at St. Francis Friary in Hillsborough. I will be back Wednesday evening. I will still be working remotely so I will respond to emails and phone calls as I am able.

On the 25th February we will be commemorating the founding of St. Andrews on the Terrace at the Petone Foreshore as you have done so in the past. Rev Te Tokaia and I from Te Kakano o te Aroha will be meeting on 2 February to plan this service. I appreciate any thoughts or help by email on how you have done this in the past. Thanks.

In the meantime, enjoy your Wellington Anniversary holiday on Monday and like I said to Molly and Sarah “go gently on yourselves”. Tofa soifua, Fei.

You can read the full E-News here: https://mailchi.mp/ff7ff68dc259/this-weeks-newsletter-from-st-andrews-on-the-terrace-9435064

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