Kia ora, Talofa lava,

Well it is nice to finally be inducted into St. Andrew’s on the Terrace.  Last night was a wonderful night of celebration I am humbled that so many friends and family and members from St. Andrew’s on the Terrace gave of their time to join me this service of celebration.  I am excited and looking forward to serving you all in whatever way I am able as we begin this new journey together.

Holy week looms and there is a lot of things for us to ponder over the next few days, Palm Sunday led to a week of living with contradictions, Hosanna, Hosanna then very quickly Crucify him, crucify him.  I wonder if you ever have considered some of the contradictions that you have lived with in your life.  Should I stay or should I go?  Vulnerable people who struggle violent relationships that are trapped in love-hate relationships and stay for fear of their lives.  There are so many examples of contradictions, there are so many examples of some of the unnecessary baggage that we carry around with us.  This week as we journey with Jesus to the cross this is an opportunity for us to carry some of this unnecessary and overburdening baggage and place it at the foot of the cross, our self emptying after Jesus kenotic self emptying on the cross.

A week to be hopeful and forward looking, a week to reflect and release your burdens, a week to contemplate new life and new hope.


Rev. Dr. Fei Taule’ale’ausumai

Here is the link for the live stream of this week’s Sunday service: Link to livestream

It has been scheduled to go live at 9:45am.  If you try to link to it early in anticipation, it is possible you will have to refresh your screen after the go-live time in order to see it. (We think the scheduled live stream provides an easier link than typing St Andrews on the Terrace Youtube into your browser but that is possible too).

While we believe we have made some improvements to the sound quality, we are looking into ways to circumvent more of the acoustic challenges of the space in the hope of improving it further.

Sue and Lynne

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