Kia ora Te Whanau

Numerous people have commented to me recently about how much they enjoy our community activities. Whether it is the Sunday gathering, cuppa and chat, centering prayer, Spirited Conversations or lunchtime concerts, people love what is on offer! They tell me that that they love the hustle and bustle of the Centre too, with all its comings and goings.

As someone who sits behind the scenes of all this activity, I want to pay tribute to the ‘team effort’. Everything we do requires careful planning, the sourcing of materials and funding, and work by our Minister and staff as well as many, many volunteers.  Like many churches we are blessed with a generous and giving community. That said, I am always looking for more people to do specific tasks. I am delighted that Sandra Kirby and Bruce Corkill have both recently joined the Organ Refurbishment group. We are currently ‘recruiting’ new members of Parish Council too. We shall organise a special congregational meeting within the next couple of months so we can put new nominations to you for voting.

Our Organ Fund continues to grow and we are grateful to those of you who have made donations for the organ refurbishment and other nominated funds. We are working on ideas for more fundraisers for the organ and will present these, and seek your ideas too, at the same special meeting. If you want to make a donation, there is a card at the back of the church. We also have cards available for you to make a legacy commitment.

Talking of legacy, this Sunday we will commemorate Anzac Day. Paying tribute to those men and women who lost their lives in the wars of last century is an important part of understanding who we are as a people. We will also honour those men and women who were brave enough to stand up for peace; and we will give thanks for the remarkable peace my generation has enjoyed for the last 73 years. Preserving this era of peace has to be one of our most important 21st century goals.

And on a final note of remembrance: did you know that there is a commemorative stone in our garden for a member of our community, Duncan Anderson? Duncan was just 19 years when he died in South Africa in 1902 during the Boer War.  Let us remember Duncan and his family on Sunday too.


Lynne, Parish Council Convenor


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