Hello everyone,
Light at the end of the tunnel! After the exhaustive policy discussions which have been happening over the last weeks, seeing political light at the end of the tunnel of governmental uncertainty has been a relief to many.
I have been bemused at the calm, mostly patient way the nation has waited for the end result of the coalition talks. Peaceful hand over of power is something we should not take for granted in comparison to other countries. (Though it’s been fun watching media commentators struggle to find things to talk about!).
So, we have a left leaning government. Those among us who like government to be left-leaning are no longer in opposition to right-wing government; more aligned with politicians in charge. Not only the National party needs to adjust. How we will operate in a changed political landscape? One effect will be politicians who had time to attend our events may have weightier matters taking time. Will the way those government addresses issues you care about please entirely? We will see!

Another light at the end of the tunnel has appeared! We are getting our lane-way back! Several are commenting they had forgotten how wide the lane is and therefore how much we had been doing without during the building process!

The other photo is of the view I have of the building from my office window. Not its ‘best side’ but better than net-draped scaffolding.

On Sunday, we welcome Ngaio Union Church congregation and Rev John Howell who will be reading poetry from his recently launched anthology entitled Homeless.
All profits from the sale of books go to DCM. John will have books for sale by cash or invoice or for you to order. ($25). If you are coming do stay for lunch – all for a reasonable $5 koha.
Remember too that on Nov 5 our AGM will be held after the Sunday Gathering. Please plan to be there. Think about who you want to nominate for Parish Council to replace the two Councillors stepping down by rotation. Approach them now and ask permission to nominate them. The annual report is coming together and will be signed off by the Council on Tuesday. It represents a lot of work by a lot of people – well done everyone.
See you Sunday, when we consider the influence of printing on the process of Reformation; because of lunch following, the study group ‘Exploring the Faith’ is postponed to Sunday October 29.

For a copy of the full enews please click on this link.

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